Los Angeles skyline with palm trees in front and sun shining by the skyline and some clouds overhead

Take Root Therapy January Newsletter

We examine the toll that New Year’s resolutions can have on our self image and offer alternative ways to think about our bodies.

A Letter From Our Founder


Hi folks,

I hope that 2022 has been treating you well, or as well as possible.

I myself have felt a bit more tired than usual. I have often worried that the source of my feeling is Covid, but so far the few at home tests I’ve used have come back negative. And while that’s no guarantee and it’s quite possible that I will have it in the next few weeks (I have two children in school), I think my fatigue may in part be due to the reality that we find ourselves in, again. I am trying to find things to look forward to, and that has been helpful.

This year, instead of setting New Years resolutions I have instead thought about how I want to honor and care for myself and have tried to take baby steps in that direction. I have been walking a bit every day! I say a bit and I mean it, and I am still glad for the opportunity to move my body. I have also been enjoying small dance parties to the music from Encanto, which I would recommend. And I have been trying to make an effort to rest, which I would also recommend.

What I am not doing is dieting or “exercising” (yes, I know walking and dancing can be considered exercise, but I have an aversion to the word). I have been bombarded with messages about changing myself and changing my body, but instead I’m working on caring for my body and accepting it as it is. Our blog article is on the same topic, and if you’re needing some help in the area, I hope you check it out and if you need more help, we are here to offer it.

Saba Harouni Lurie

On The Blog

Should I Start a Diet?: Rethinking Your Relationship with Your Body

Every year we receive countless messages about setting “new year resolutions” and embracing the idea of: “new year, new you.” The pressure to start a new diet or exercise routine at the beginning of the year is something we all know well. We are inundated with emails and targeted marketing telling us that the new year is a time for transformation, a time to really commit to exercise, dieting, or both. We are encouraged to shed all of the worst parts of ourselves from the prior year including, in many cases, any weight we may have gained and to become newer, better, thinner versions of ourselves…

How to Help

January is National Blood Donor Month

Due in large part to the pandemic, we are facing a critical shortage of blood in the US. This shortage has only been exacerbated by the record breaking levels of patients being admitted to hospitals all across the country. Our healthcare system is strained beyond belief and your donation of blood or platelets could save a life now more than ever. This is the 52nd Anniversary of National Blood Donor Month and what better way to celebrate than to donate and help replenish the severely depleted national blood supply. Find out more information on how to donate here and learn about the sweepstakes that the Red Cross is hosting for donors during this National Blood Donor Month!

Help the Hungry with Phone Calls and Research

L.A. Works partnered with Food Oasis, a website that makes it easy to find and donate food, in order to create this special, remote volunteer opportunity! Donate your time to researching and verifying various food banks across the country to add to the Food Oasis database. It’s an easy and low impact way to take part in the fight to end food insecurity in Los Angeles where we waste over one million tons of food a year but have the highest number of food insecure people in the nation! Find out how you can get involved here.

Community Events

Since Unveiling: Selected Acquisitions of a Decade

Visit the Broad for this 10 year retrospective of 57 of it’s most prized and wonderous pieces, half of which have never been on display in the decade since the museum’s opening. This exhibition also mark the return of Ragnar Kjartansson’s The Visitors, an immersive, remarkable, and all encompassing work that has been direly missed since it’s last display, prior to the pandemic.

The Broad
221 S Grand Ave
Los Angeles, 90012

~ FREE ~

Click here to find out more information about dates and times and to order tickets

Gentle Yoga for Terrible Times

Join instructor Joyce Wu for 75 minutes of gentle yoga to help you find a bit of peace and calm  in these trying times. This is a free, remote class and will be conducted over Zoom; click here for more information!

Saturday, January 22nd
6:00 PM – 7:15 PM

~ FREE ~

Featured Publications

5 Topics to Set Boundaries Around in 2022

featuring Saba Harouni Lurie