Communication Challenges

Help with Communication Challenges in Los Angeles

Communication is the foundation of all relationships. When we communicate well, we feel closer to others,we are able to solve problems, and we are able to grow in our relationships. When communication breaks down in relationships, it can feel like we’re stuck and unable to move forward. This is true with friendships, with romantic partners, with our colleagues at work, and even with the stranger behind us at the grocery line. Communication challenges can show up whenever we are trying to engage another person. We may know that we are dealing with a communication issue when we find ourselves feeling frequently misunderstood or alone, even when we are in the company of people that care about us.

Whether it’s communication in the workplace or communication in our romantic relationships, the way we communicate with each other is informed by our background, culture, and personality.

communication challenges

Communication challenges can arise from immutable and deeply-rooted factors like cultural differences or childhood stress, making it even more difficult and complication to find a resolution. Communication challenges with others can also negatively impact our mental health and sense of self. It can lead us to feelings of isolation, depression, and a lack of depth or productivity in our relationships.

communication challenges

Misunderstandings and miscommunications are inevitable, but how we approach and resolve communication challenges makes a big difference.

At Take Root Therapy, many clients come in because of difficulty communicating with others (coworkers, friends, or partners), and name this as something they’d like to work on. With the support of a therapist, whether in individual therapy or couples counseling, you can examine all the parts that make up your communication style. You will become more intentional about how you choose to express yourself in your relationships. By making the unconscious conscious in a supportive, non-judgmental environment, you can explore your strengths, your triggers, and the patterns of communication that you might like to change. Your therapist can help you develop more effective communication skills that you can use in all your relationships, allowing you to approach your relationships with more clarity and intention.

If you’re ready to communicate with more assertively and effectively, please reach out. Call (323) 388-5578 or text (323) 388-5578 or email us at for your free 20 minute phone consultation to see if Take Root Therapy can help!