
Take Root Therapy June Newsletter

We explore queer awakenings, show care by making art, and motivate ourselves to clean. A Letter From Our Founder   Hi all, How are you doing this morning? Still reeling from last week’s debate? How’s your nervous system holding up? June has been another whirlwind month. Amidst it all, I’ve found solace in the familiar. Oddly enough, what’s been comforting me lately are things that…
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Take Root Therapy May Newsletter

We destigmatize somatic symptoms, celebrate PRIDE and Juneteenth, and stay alert to toxic moms. A Letter From Our Founder   Hi everyone, Yes, you are receiving our May newsletter in June. Why? Because May won. I have never been busier and decided to offer myself compassion by allowing myself to get this out to you later than planned. May was chock full of delightful activities…
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Take Root Therapy April Newsletter

We seek to find resolution in romantic relationships (instead of having the same fight over and over), clean up Griffith Park, and make ourselves move. A Letter From Our Founder   Hi folks, Spring is here in full bloom, and I hope the sun has been warming your shoulders and your spirit. This month, I have often found myself vacillating between gratitude and guilt. These…
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Take Root Therapy March Newsletter

We understand bullying, hike to end homelessness, and learn how to be vulnerable in relationships (even when it’s hard). A Letter From Our Founder   Hi folks, I hope your weekend is off to a restful start. I hope you’ve been caring for yourselves and each other. Recently, I’ve started to observe small signs of spring everywhere, and I am so grateful for them. Perhaps…
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Take Root Therapy February Newsletter

We dive into loneliness, try to reconcile after a friendship breakup, and do some planting. A Letter From Our Founder   Hi everyone, Happy Leap Day and Happy Black History Month! I hope you have found ways to care for yourself and each other this month, especially with everything we have been contending with. I had the opportunity to attend a training last weekend, and…
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Take Root Therapy January Newsletter

We honor pet grief, consider the importance of blood donations, and discuss body neutrality. A Letter From Our Founder   Hi all, Here we are, on the last day of January, which felt more like three months than one. I have continued to try to limit my news consumption this month while working to maintain my empathy for others. Some days, I have failed and have been…
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Take Root Therapy December Newsletter

We learn about perinatal and postpartum mental health, read to kids, and better understand change. A Letter From Our Founder   Hi folks, I hope this holiday season has been treating you well. I hope you have found time to rest and laugh amidst the hustle and bustle. And that there is light amidst the darkness. I love craft fairs and bought my new favorite sweatshirt…
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Take Root Therapy November Newsletter

We explore betrayal trauma, serve love together, and learn about separation anxiety in relationships. A Letter From Our Founder   Hi all, It is still technically November for just a few minutes, and I am ready for it to end. I am tired, both physically and emotionally. Last week, I was eager to have a few days off with my family. Then, I woke up on…
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Take Root Therapy October Newsletter

We discuss how to tell if therapy helps, fight to end hunger, and discover the benefits of a digital detox. A Letter From Our Founder   Hi all, I hope this newsletter finds you as well as possible. I hope you have been taking care of yourself and your heart. I will be honest and share that I am struggling. I know that for some,…
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Take Root Therapy September Newsletter

We learn about the complexities of ADHD, support the unhoused, and identify internalized misogyny. A Letter From Our Founder   Hi folks, I committed to getting our new article out before October, and here I am, on Friday the 29th of September having just published it at 10:30 pm. I learned a long time ago that I need a deadline and will procrastinate, even if I…
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